Wednesday 19 October 2016

Top 10 Free Icon Packs for Web Designers

 Icons are a visual tool on your webpage that tells your readers what to do on your page. It is almost like the road signs on the road telling you when to stop, turn or yield. This article will help you decide which icon pack will best suit your website.

Ingenicons- 100 Icons set
This Icon packs comes with all the basic icons you will need. From downloading this page to a like icon that you can place at the bottom of your post. The pack is simple and basic yet still effective.

36 Flat Education Icon Set

This Icon pack is ideal for a webpage that is based on education. It has icons for all school criteria such as a bus for the bus schedule per area to an icon for extra lessons. This will make your school site more appealing to children as well as to the parents at your school.

Free e-Commerce 45 Icons

This 45 icon pack is ideal for a website that sells products. It has icons such as shopping carts, bags and baskets. It allows people to add or remove things from their cart list. They are however very basic icons and not very exciting in terms of looks but they do the job.

Agriculture Icons Free Vector

These icons are very cute and are becoming more and more popular. These icons are very cute and are becoming more and more popular. Now days, people are looking for animal-friendly and environmentally-friendly products and these icons will help you boost your agriculture website. They are simple yet powerful.

Weather Icons

The weather icons will take your weather website to the next level. Every icon that you can possibly think of that you will need, you will find in this icon pack.

50 Flat Icons

This icon pack is for those websites that have a bit of everything, from arts, computers and crafts, to dog accessories. This pack is ideal for the people who have more than one website or an online one stop shop; this is the pack for you!

Free Social Icons

Social media is a huge industry for people to advertise on and market their business. This free icon pack comes with all the social media logos that you will need in order for people to follow you on all your social media platforms. The more people see your name out there, the more they will remember you. This will in turn increase your business flow and it will not cost you a cent!

Sport and Fitness Vector Icons

For your fitness blogs and sports blog, this icon pack is for you! Whether you writing about the latest soccer game or the Olympics that has just past, there is an icon in this pack to help give you a visual idea.

36 Health and Medical Vector Icons

Medicine is changing on regular bases and there is a huge need for medical websites out there to help people stay on top of this on growing and changing industry. These icons will help you to organise each aspect of your blog into the correct field such as broken bones, new medication or newest hospitals being opened.

100 Free Icons

This icon pack comes with a lot to choose from. The icons are white and can go with any theme or web design. Social media icons are also present in this pack which will allow your readers to follow you on all you social media platforms. The Icons are plain and simple yet everyone can recognise them.

To conclude, these icon packs are just a few icon packs out there. This article just tells you the top 10 that is being used at the moment for all different kinds of niche websites. Now it is time for you to download your icon pack and make your website that much more interesting.

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